Imprint / Terms & Conditions

Information required under Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):

Concept Immobilien Villalobos
Ingolstädter Straße 26
60316 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49 (0)69 43059968

Owner: Viviana Villalobos

Responsible for content: Viviana Villalobos

Finanzamt Frankfurt am Main
VAT identification number: 014 877 651 01

Webdesign: Andreas Grzesitza,

Image sources:
© Tiberius Gracchus - (Über uns / About Us), © Rick Henzel - (Eigentümer / Owners), © helmutvogler - (Mieter / Tenants), © Martin Debus - (Aktuelle Angebote / Current Offers), © Sergii Figurnyi - (Kontakt / Contact), © Simon - (Special information: Find properties in Frankfurt)

Liability for contents

According to Section 7 Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), as a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this website under generally applicable laws. In accordance with Sections 8 to 10 TMG, it is not, however, our responsibility as a service provider to monitor information that has been transmitted or saved by third parties, or to search for circumstances that are indicative of illegal activities.

Obligations to remove or block the use of information as required under generally applicable laws shall remain unaffected by this. We shall not assume any liability in this respect, however, until such a time that we gain knowledge of an actual violation of the law. Should we become aware of any such violations of the law, we shall remove the content in question immediately.

Liability for links

Our website includes links to external websites hosted by third parties, this content is beyond our control. We are therefore unable to accept any liability for this third-party content. The content of the linked websites is always the responsibility of their respective provider or operator. The linked websites were checked for possible violations of the law at the time a link was established. No illegal content was detected at that time.

However, we cannot be reasonably expected to perform ongoing reviews of the linked websites without any concrete evidence of a legal violation. Should we become aware of any such violations of the law, we shall remove the links in question immediately.


The content and work provided on this website by the site operators are protected by German copyright law. The duplication, processing, distribution, or use in any way of this content beyond the limits of German copyright law is not permitted without the written consent of the respective author or creator. The content of this website may only be downloaded or copied for private, non-commercial use.

The copyright of third parties has been respected in cases where the content of this website was not created by the site operator. In particular, content created by third parties is labelled as such. Please inform us should you nevertheless become aware of a violation of copyright law. Should we become aware of any violations of the law, we shall remove the content in question immediately.

Dispute settlement

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings at a consumer arbitration board.